
Track, build and sell your figure collection online!

A company called CollectorDash has a website, Collector-ActionFigures.com, that you should be a part of. The site has listings of over 30,000 action figures and over 40,000 high resolution photos of those figures. Right now, you can register at the website for free and keep track of your collection online! You not only get full information about each figure, but you can access the photos as well. You can even put together a wish list of figures you want as well as buy and sell figures in the site’s marketplace. With no listing fees and a final value fee under 5%, it’s a lot cheaper than eBay. Thousands of users have already signed on, so there’s already a nice base to buy from and sell to. I suggest you give their site a visit by clicking here and signing on now. It’s one of the best resources we’ve seen.

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Victor Medina

Vic is a former association executive who now works as an editor and writer for a number of websites. His past work includes The Dallas Morning News, Sports Illustrated, and Yahoo News. He currently writes for Cinelinx.com and is the founder and editor of RevengeOfThe5th.com, VisitOakCliff.com, and TheWeekInNerd.com.

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