
Critics Blast New ‘Rambo’ Movie as Pro-Trump, ‘Racist’

Sylvester Stallone’s latest entry in the Rambo franchise, Last Blood, is now in theaters, but not everyone is excited.

Liberal movie critics are trashing the film, calling it a reflection of what they claim is America’s racist and violent attitudes that are inspired by President Donald Trump.

A sampling of critic’s reviews on Rotten Tomatoes shows that some critics seem intent on punishing the film for what they see as its’ connection to Trump’s political and social movement.

Because the film involves Rambo (Stallone) fighting human smugglers with the Mexican drug cartel, some critics called the film racist for its depiction of Mexicans as the bad guys.

Hope Madden of The Columbus Underground said “Rambo: Last Blood is basically Taken meets Home Alone, only racist.”

Ignatiy Vishnevetsky of AV Club and Matthew Turner from The List flat out called the Rambo character a “monster,” while Kevin Fallon of The Daily Beast lamented the “film’s ghastly worldview.” Brandon Zachary of Comic Book Resources called it outright “xenophobic.” Bob Chipman of Escapist Magazine accused the film of having “Mexican-border xenophobia.” Roger Moore of Movie Nation called the movie “fascist.”

Matthew Rozsa of said Rambo: Last Blood “is less an escapist action movie and more a dramatized manifestation of the most notorious sentences from Donald Trump’s presidential campaign announcement speech.”

Rohan Naahar of the Hindustan Times sarcastically remarked “Sylvester Stallone’s sequel might become Donald Trump’s favorite movie.”

Luke Parker of the clickbait website We Got This Covered found the movie far too manly, saying “Rambo: Last Blood proves that the time and place for muscly, muddy military machoism has long passed us.”

Shea Serrano of The Ringer also insinuated that Stallone’s films were always racist, pointing out that Stallone’s films “Assassins….had a Latino bad guy….Demolition Man, which had a Black bad guy.”

Scout Tafoya from Consequence of Sound said “Rambo was always a product of Republican policy, and his sore loser, crybaby, murder fantasy is a daringly accurate reflection of the state of the Republican Party circa 2019.”

Charles Barfield of The Playlist said “Jingoism is expected, but Last Blood takes extreme patriotism and adds a vulgar 2019 MAGA design flair to it.”

Stephen Garrett of Book and Film Globe said “Rambo: Last Blood is uncut geriatric xenophobia.”

Grace Randolph of Beyond the Trailer said the movie was “racist and misogynistic.”

One critic, however, liked the portrayal of Rambo in the age of Trump. Vincent Mancini of FilmDrunk gave the movie a B+, saying “Trump-era Rambo is essentially a human border wall keeping America safe from Mexican rapists and murderers. Absolutely deranged, a must-see.”

Rambo: Last Blood is now playing at theaters everywhere.

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35 thoughts on “Critics Blast New ‘Rambo’ Movie as Pro-Trump, ‘Racist’

  • micheal p cota

    All these guys are damn stupid, but what do expect from the left

    • Phillip Maynard

      Great! I haven’t seen a good Stallone movie in a long time! I will pay money to see this in the theaters!

    • Tio Carlos

      I had no idea there was a new Rambo film. Can’t wait to see it!

    • I agree with you. The left stupid political correctness has to stop. That means they glorify criminal, instead of the hero who fights bad guys. It doesn’t matter what race it is

  • micheal p cota

    all the people are stupid, but what do you expect from the left

  • what a bunch of left left snowflake communist elitists-smh. Can hardly wait to see it and get a poster!

  • Glenn Roland

    You Notice it is Only Far Left Publications that are saying this. They have no Readership unless they start controversy.
    Since they’r Not REAL Media… Their Opinions are Like Assholes. “Everyone Has One, and They ALL stink… Except Yours of Course”

  • whucker

    Looks like I’ll have to break my self-imposed boycott and see it…

  • Gilchrist

    So this will be the top grossing film of the year thanks to all the pyjama boys getting the vapors.

  • Ed Davis

    If all of this is true then why did the liberal world of Hollywood allow it to be produced in the first place?

  • Phillip Maynard

    Great! I haven’t seen a good Stallone movie in a long time! I will pay money to see this in the theaters!

  • David Emerson

    What about the original Rambo movie First Blood where the bad guys were a bunch of white cops and good old boys? I this new movie the bad guys are dealing in human trafficking. That’s ok but defending your home and family from them is racist?

  • Unless it has a child being adrenachrome harvested..or has some freindly evil in it…
    They wont like or promote.

  • Gregory Brittain

    Sylvester Stallone thanks the critics for their recommendation.

  • Canary Alexander

    How can any movie be “too manly?” We need more real men in America. The leftist pansies are doing their best to ruin us. In any action movie, someone has to be the “bad guy.” Would these nutjobs be complaining if the “bad guys” were white?

  • Lemmings Hotline

    We have plenty of heros in US history. Were we racist for fighting the Japanese in WW2? As soon as you see some of your buddies die on the battlefield , you would hate them too.

  • I think this so stupid why don’t these people get a fkn life and see what is good but I guess this isn’t in their life they no no good only the bad and the ugly

  • Once again, the left patting themselves on their own backs while demonizing everything else. The old “racist” copout is for low intellect rubes who have no sane, logical argument against things they personally dislike. F the left and the horse they rode in on.

  • Teriqua Jones

    I haven’t seen the movie yet. But I imagine it’s similar to the movie First Blood? The difference is that in the 80s we didn’t have people calling everything racism. I miss the 80s.

  • Apart from the main protagonist, Stallone, the minor protagonists are Hispanic. The antagonists are Hispanic. If anything it is pro Hispanic as Hispanics predominate the cast and I mean in a big way. Whoever states as claimed above, sure have to take a step back and reassess what indeed they’re talking about. Let’s face it, the first installment, “First Blood” presented Anglo-Americans by the bucket load as the antagonists. No big deal.

  • Christine

    what is wrong with the snowflakes a bunch of candy ass’s, the Rambo movie is what is really happening out there in this sick world. , To bad people are to stupid to see this, it is happening alot of different places. So of the action isnt how it would happen but it is such a good movie, I love it.

  • TexanForever

    The TDS idiots see prejudice and racism in every positive post and under their beds. … Terminal TDS is sad and must be painful. Stay away from the sidewalks around tall buildings for a while after 2020.

  • The old Rambo movies had similar issues, kind of making it look like one American can single-handedly win the lost Vietnam War and beat all the Russians and… any enemy of the state LOL As an esacpe to the movies I love watching Rambo. The first one was very different it depicted an abuse of power by the police and it all coming back to haunt them for mistreating a stranger in their town, a stranger that used to live there, a patron that had left to fight for their country and returned to be treated wrong. The second and the third movies were pushing propaganda, basically winning the lost wars and the cold war on screen instead. Still they were very entertaining as is Satllone’s The Expendables –

    • MikeMarkCA

      Where did you get Rambo was from that town, he was passing through after visiting his friend’s family.

  • Charlie

    If modern-day liberals hate it, it must be good!

  • Rick Holford

    These morons see racism in everything and blame Trump. Unless a minority is the ‘good guy’ they’ll continue.

  • Someone needs to make up their mind. Is it pro-Trump, or racist? it can’t be both. Is it pro-Trump or xenophobic? It can’t be both. is it pro-Trump or anti-Mexican? It can’t be both. Someone is really confused.

  • Peter Toth

    After the 2016 election, when all those Hollywood phony’s became radical, I have boycotted ALL movies. I used to go every 2nd week, and did so for over 20 years. This movie however may be the one that gets me out to the movies, at least once.

  • MikeMarkCA

    If this movie was racist, then I suppose “Clear and Present Danger” was racist? How about “Sacario”?
    I am so sick of these PC do-gooders with their panties pulled up their cheeks.

  • ray frigerio

    Soooo A half Native American rescuing the Mexican American daughter of his friend, also a chicana , is somehow racist?? 🙄REALLY?

    • ray frigerio

      it also shows how dull the average movie reviewer really is ; anyone that has seen any Stallone movie knows that they may often be jingoist , ultra-chauvinist, and even a little bit sexist, claptrap but they are ,most assuredly not “racist “.

  • The show was good! Love me some Rambo!
    Love me some Trump! I’m sick and tired of these stupid libtards our world does not revolve around y’all! We ve dealt w these presidents y’all have had and y’all can deal w ours for 8 years, so get over it! We finally have a real president in office that’s actually cleaning up the last 3 presidents messes and y’all can’t control him so go away! We love our President💙❤️ God bless u President Trump and bless you Sylvester Stallone and thank you for.n eye opening movies it was great!!!

  • Perc S

    Liberals are such silly angry people. They hate everything that doesn’t fit their rediculous Leftist tiny little lens. But i thank them for giving me the chance and reason to go see this movie.

  • George Horn

    Seen it. It’s a good action movie. You know it’s
    A good patriotic movie if the liberal lefties hate it


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