
Movie Geek Feed Has Trek Expo Coverage

Eric Shirey, the King of the DFW Geeks, has posted some incredible coverage from the Tulsa Trek Expo last week. He has lots of pictures and even a few video interviews including Tony Todd (Transformers 2’s Fallen, 24’s Gen. Jouma) and His Spockness, Leonard Nimoy. To watch the video, click on the Movie Geek Feed YouTube Channel link on the main page. To visit MGF, CLICK HERE.

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Victor Medina

Vic is a former association executive who now works as an editor and writer for a number of websites. His past work includes The Dallas Morning News, Sports Illustrated, and Yahoo News. He currently writes for Cinelinx.com and is the founder and editor of RevengeOfThe5th.com, VisitOakCliff.com, and TheWeekInNerd.com.

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