
Disney’s Club Penguin gets a Star Wars takeover!

Disney’s Club Penguin is an MMO for kids set in a cartoon-like penguin world, and its’ popularity has led to a membership reportedly in the tens of millions. From July 25 through August 13, Club Penguin gets a Star Wars takeover, where players can dress their penguins as Star Wars characters and play out scenarios from the movie, including blowing up the Death Star. There is a monthly membership fee. Check out the trailer below and click this link to get your own Jedi Penguin. If that’s your thing.
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Victor Medina

Vic is a former association executive who now works as an editor and writer for a number of websites. His past work includes The Dallas Morning News, Sports Illustrated, and Yahoo News. He currently writes for Cinelinx.com and is the founder and editor of RevengeOfThe5th.com, VisitOakCliff.com, and TheWeekInNerd.com.

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