
Fan Expo Dallas schedule released!

 Fax Expo Dallas is coming June 3-5 at the Dallas Convention Center, with a lineup of some of the biggest names in comics (including Stan Lee, Todd McFarlane, and Frank Miller) and a host of celebs, including William Shatner, Kevin Smith, John Cusack, and Peter Capaldi.
To get the most out of Fan Expo, however, you need to know about the various events and panels being held, and the initial schedule for all three days has been released! You can check it out by clicking right here.
You can find out more about Fan Expo Dallas at FanExpoDallas.com.
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Victor Medina

Vic is a former association executive who now works as an editor and writer for a number of websites. His past work includes The Dallas Morning News, Sports Illustrated, and Yahoo News. He currently writes for Cinelinx.com and is the founder and editor of RevengeOfThe5th.com, VisitOakCliff.com, and TheWeekInNerd.com.

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