FLASHBACK: Stan Lee Opposed Changing a Superhero’s Race, Gender, or Sexuality
The unprecedented popularity of comic book superheroes in pop culture has brought a push for more diversity in the characters being portrayed in movies, TV, and the comic books themselves.
However, a push from left-wing social justice warriors (SJWs) has taken things a bit further, insisting “white” or “anglo” characters either change their race or adopt characteristics and lifestyles they approve of. They have also demanded representation of minorities they deem “oppressed,” including LGBTQ peoples and Muslims. But comic book icon Stan Lee refused to support the idea.
In some cases, changing a character’s race or gender works, under certain circumstances. Nick Fury is one such example, who started off as a white World War II veteran, but was changed for the Ultimates comics line and the cinematic movies. Miles Morales also became a popular Spider-Man in the Ultimates line, but he did so without changing Peter Parker.
The controversy over “retconning” characters erupted again recently after Spider-Man actor Tom Holland endorsed the idea of a gay Spidey in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
Many comic fans are disturbed by what they see as the needless changes to long-standing, popular characters. That includes the introduction of a character’s sexual orientation, adding a level of sexuality not seen previously in comics. Marvel’s Iceman made headlines when his character was revealed to be gay, which surprised creator Stan Lee when he found out about it.

When the race of a character is changed to appease the SJW crowd, it is under the premise that current comic superheroes are “too white” and must be changed.
Critics say the moves are nothing more than tokenism at best, and at worst, destroying classic characters to advance a cultural agenda.
While many long-time fans lament the changes (and the terrible writing that often accompanies it), comic book publishers and most artists voice their support. Even as comic book sales have slumped to an all-time low with major character changes to Marvel heroes Thor and Iron Man, publishers insist the moves open up comic books to more readers.
The long list of comic book shops that have closed in recent years says otherwise.
According to a 2015 story in The Standard (UK), however, Marvel legend Stan Lee did not support the wholesale changing of characters for a social agenda. He told a reporter that new characters should be created if someone wanted a superhero of a certain race, gender, or sexual orientation.
“I wouldn’t mind, if Peter Parker had originally been black, a Latino, an Indian or anything else, that he stay that way,” Lee said. “But we originally made him white. I don’t see any reason to change that.”
While Lee said he had “no problem” with the idea of gay superheroes, he didn’t think they should exist by changing current ones.
“I think the world has a place for gay superheroes, certainly,” he said. “But again, I don’t see any reason to change the sexual proclivities of a character once they’ve already been established. I have no problem with creating new, homosexual superheroes.
“It has nothing to do with being anti-gay, or anti-black, or anti-Latino, or anything like that. Latino characters should stay Latino. The Black Panther should certainly not be Swiss. I just see no reason to change that which has already been established when it’s so easy to add new characters. I say create new characters the way you want to. Hell, I’ll do it myself.”
Some, however, are now saying that Lee didn’t really mean that.
When the comments first surfaced in 2015, some blasted Lee as a “bigot.”
When Lee died last year, some could only attack him as anti-LGBTQ and racist.
Some fans, however, are fighting back against the demand that characters change to meet their agenda, and defending Stan Lee.
Entertainment Hacker (click here to subscribe to their YouTube page) posted this video addressing the controversy.
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Don’t let those Left wing scumbags scare Marvel into messing up the marvel heroes. Grow a pair. Send those lefties to Baltimore or Hondurus ghettos.