Topps Non-Sport Trading Cards Collector’s Guide and Checklist
Bring Em Back Alive (Jungle Artwork)
Freedom’s War (Korean War/Warplane Artwork)
Animals of the World
Look ‘n See (Historical Figures, 135 Card Set)
Fighting Marines (Marine-themed artwork, 96 Card Set)
Who-z-at (Celebrity Portraits)
Scoops (History Artwork, 158 Card Set)
Elvis Presley (Promotional Photography, 66 Card Set)
Flags of the World
Round Up (Old West Notables, Painted Artwork, 80 Card Set)
U.S. Presidents (Painted Artwork, 36 Card Set)
Walt Disney’s Davy Crockett

Hit Stars (62 Recording Stars, 26 Movie and TV Stars, 88 card set, sold in 1-cent packs)
Isolation Booth (Artwork Featuring Historical Facts)
Space Cards (Painted Artwork, 88 card set)
Target: Moon (Identical to “Space Cards” set, with new title on the back; A “Pink Back” variant was given out as a promotion for popsicles; 88 card set)
TV Westerns (Promotional Photography, 71 Card Set)
Funny Valentines (Jack Davis art, 66 Card Set)
You’ll Die Laughing (Monster-themed Artwork with Jokes)
Crazy Cards (Artwork featuring amazing facts)
Casey & Kildare (“Wallet Photos” of actors Vincent Edwards and Richard Chamberlain, from the shows “Dr. Casey” and “Dr. Kildare,” Sold in 5 cent packs)
Civil War News
Mars Attacks
Beverly Hillbillies (TV Series)
Beatles Series 1 (Black and White Photography)
Beatles Series 2 (Black and White Photography)
Beatles Series 3 (Black and White Photography)
Beatles Color Set (Color Photography, 64 Card Set)
Beatles “Diary” Set (Color Photography, Diary-like captions on card backs, 60 Card Set)
Beatles ‘A Hard Day’s Night’ Movie Set (Movie Photography, 55 Card Set)
Beatles “Plaks” Set (Oversized cards, Color Photography on Woodgrain Graphics, 55 Card Set)
John F. Kennedy (Commemorative Set, Black and White Photography, 77 Card Set)
Monsters of the Outer Limits (TV Photography, 50 Card Set)
Battle: The Story of World War II (Painted historical artwork, 66 cards)
Gilligan’s Island (Black and white photography, 55 Card Set)
Man From UNCLE (Black and white promotional photography)
Ugly Stickers
Batman Series One (Painted Artwork, Black Bat Logo, 55 card set)
Batman Series Two (Painted Artwork, Red Bat Logo, 44 card set, Numbered with ‘A’)
Batman Series Three (Painted Artwork, Blue Bat Logo, 44 card set, Numbered with ‘B’)
Batman: The Movie (Movie Photography)
Batman Bat Laffs (Movie and Promotional Photography with jokes on the back, 55 card set)
Batman “Riddler Back” Set (Movie Photography, with “riddles” on the back; 38 card set)
Lost in Space (Black and white TV Photography, 55 card set)
Monster Laffs
Rat Patrol (TV Photography, 66 Card Set)
Superman (Black and White TV Photography, 66 card set)
Wacky Packages (Parody sticker cards, 56 cards, including variations)
Who Am I? (Scratch-off Cards of Personalities, 44 Card Set)
Man on the Moon Series One (Apollo 11 Photography; 55 Card Set)
Planet of the Apes (Movie Photography; 44 Card Set)
Brady Bunch (TV Photography, Test issue of 55 cards, identical to the regular 1971 set with the exception of the “55 card set” caption)
Man on the Moon Series Two (Apollo 11 Photography; 99 Card Set, with 44 cards added to the 55 cards from series one)
Brady Bunch (Color Photography, 88 card set, 5 cent packs)
Tattoos (Sold in wax packs of 24)
TV Cartoon Tattoos
Creature Feature (Photography from Universal and American International Movies)
Wacky Packages Series 1
Wacky Packages Series 2
Wacky Packages Series 3
Wacky Packages Series 4
Evel Knievel (Color photography, 60 card set, 22 stickers)
Bay City Rollers
Comic Book Heroes Stickers (Marvel character stickers on trading card stock, 40 sticker set)
Good Times (TV Show Photography, 55 card set, 22 stickers)
Planet of the Apes (TV Show Photography, 66 card set)
“Wanted” Stickers
Hysterical History (Sticker Cards)
King Kong (Movie Photography, 55 card set, 11 stickers)
Mad-Ad Foldees
Marvel Super Hero Stickers (Comic art with captions, 40 sticker set, Six stickers have variations)
Shock Theater/Shocking Laffs (Horror-themed comedy cards)
Star Trek (TV Series Photography, 88 card set, 22 stickers)
Welcome Back Kotter (TV Series Photography, 53 card set)
Charlie’s Angel’s Series 1 (TV Photography, 55 card set, 11 stickers)
Charlie’s Angels Series 2 (TV Photography, 66 card set, Cards #56 – #121, 11 stickers)
Charlie’s Angels Series 3 (TV Photography, 66 card set, Cards #122 – #187, 11 stickers, Purple Wax Packs)
Charlie’s Angels Series 4 (TV Photography, 66 card set, Cards #188 – #253, 11 stickers, Green Wax Packs)
Star Wars Series 1 (Blue Border, 66 card set, 11 stickers)
Star Wars Series 2 (Red Border, 66 card set, 11 stickers)
Star Wars Series 3 (Yellow Border, 66 card set, 11 stickers)
Star Wars Series 4 (Green Border, 66 card set, 11 stickers)
Battlestar Galactica (TV Photography, 132 card set, 22 stickers)
Close Encounters of the Third Kind (Movie photography, 66 card set, 11 stickers)
Grease Series 1 (Movie Photography, Pink Border, 66 card set, 11 stickers)
Grease Series 2 (Movie Photography, Green Border, 66 card set, 11 stickers)
Jaws 2 (Movie Photography)
Mork and Mindy (TV Photography with word balloons, 99 card set, 22 stickers)
Star Wars Series 5 (Orange Border)
Superman The Movie Series 1 (White border, 77 card set)
Three’s Company (TV Photography, 44 sticker set, 16 puzzle cards)
Alien (Movie Photography, 84 card set, 22 sticker set)
Buck Rogers (TV Photography, 88 card set, 22 sticker set)
The Incredible Hulk (TV Series)
Moonraker (Movie Photography)
Rocky II (Movie Photography, 99 card set, 22 sticker set)
Star Trek: The Motion Picture (Movie Photography, 88 card set, 22 sticker set)
Creature Feature (Universal Monster Movie Photography)
The Empire Strikes Back (Series 1, Red Border)
The Empire Strikes Back (Series 2, Blue Border)
The Empire Strikes Back (Series 3, Yellow Cards)
The Empire Strikes Back (Giant Photo Cards)
Weird Wheels Stickers (Car-themed artwork, Six sticker cards per pack)
Wacky Packages (Parody Sticker Cards, Six sticker cards per pack))
Annie Album Stickers
Cute and Cuddly Animal Posters (12 Poster Set, One poster per blind pack)
Movie Giant Pin-up Posters (12 Different 12×20 posters, sold one in a blind pack)
Raiders of the Lost Ark (88 Card Set)
Stick-Ons (Joke Stickers)
Tattoos (Sold in packs of 24)
Donkey Kong (Rub-off cards and stickers)
Smurfs Supercards
The A-Team (TV Photography, 66 card set, 12 sticker set)
Jaws 3-D (Movie)
Menudo (Band)
Perlorian Cats (Cat Photography, Six stickers and gum per pack, 36 packs per box)
Return of the Jedi Series 1 (Red Border)
Return of the Jedi Series 2 (Blue Border)
Superman III (Movie)
Video City (Rub-Off Game Cards and Stickers)
Gremlins (Movie photography, 82 card set, 11 sticker set)
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (Movie photography, 88 card set, 11 sticker set)
Masters of the Universe (Cartoon Photography, 88 card set, 21 sticker set)
Supergirl (Movie)
Trivia Battle (Game Cards)
Voltron (Tattoos, Sold in packs of 24)
Cyndi Lauper
Duran Duran
Garbage Pail Kids Series 1 (88 Sticker Cards – 44 ‘A’ Cards and 44 ‘B’ Cards)
Garbage Pail Kids Series 2 (82 Sticker Cards)
The Goonies (Movie Photography, 86 Card Set, 22 Sticker Set)
Gross Bears (Parody artwork 2-inch pinback buttons, one per box, 36 boxes in a retail box)
Pro Wrestling Stars (WWF)
Return to Oz (Movie Photography)
Rocky IV (Movie Photography, 66 Card Set, 11 Sticker Set)
Garbage Pail Kids Series 3 (Sticker Cards, 25 cents a pack)
Garbage Pail Kids Series 4 (Sticker Cards, 25 cents a pack)
Garbage Pail Kids Series 5 (Sticker Cards, 25 cents a pack)
Garbage Pail Kids Series 6 (Sticker Cards)
Garbage Pail Kids Posters (One Mini-Poster Per Pack)
Growing Pains (TV)
Howard the Duck (Movie)
Little Shop of Horrors (Movie)
Snotty Signs
21 Jump Street (TV)
Alf Series One (TV Photography, 69 Card Set, 18 Stickers, 25 cent packs with five cards and one sticker)
Alf Series Two (TV Photography)
Garbage Pail Kids Series 7 (Sticker Cards, Purple Wrappers)
Garbage Pail Kids Series 8 (Sticker Cards, 5 Stickers and one bubble gum stick per 25 cent pack)
Garbage Pail Kids Series 9 (Sticker Cards, 25 cents a pack)
Garbage Pail Kids Series 10 (Sticker Cards, 5 stickers and one bubble gum stick per 25 cent pack)
Harry and the Hendersons (Movie)
Who Framed Roger Rabbit
WWF Wrestling
Baby, Secret of the Lost Legend (Movie Photography)
Dinosaurs Attack! (Artwork)
Fright Flicks
Pee Wee’s Playhouse (Set included Trading Cards, Tattoos, Stickers, and Activity Cards)
Wacky Packages
Back to the Future Part II (Movie Photography, 88 Card Set, 11 Stickers, 50 cent packs)
Batman (Movie)
Batman Series 2 (Movie)
Ghostbusters 2 (Movie Photography)
New Kids on the Block
New Kids on the Block (Series 2)
Nintendo Game Packs (Scratch-Off Game Cards)
Stupid Smiles Stickers (Sticker Cards, Sold in 25 cent packs with 5 sticker cards and a stick of bubble gum)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Cartoon, 1st Series)
Dick Tracy (Movie Photography, 88 Card Set)
Robocop 2 (Movie Photography)
The Simpsons (Cartoon TV Series)
Spitting Image (UK Release, TV Show Photography)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Movie)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Cartoon, 2nd Series, Donatello Wrapper)
Wacky Packages Stickers
American Gladiators (88 Card Set, 11 Stickers; 55 cent packs include 8 cards and one sticker)
Batman Returns (Standard Cards)
Batman Returns (Stadium Club)
Beverly Hills 90210 (TV Show Photography)
Desert Storm (1st Series)
Desert Storm: Victory Edition (2nd Series)
Desert Storm: Homecoming Edition (3rd Series)
Hook (Movie)
Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves (Movie)
The Rocketeer (Movie)
Tiny Toons Adventures
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II (Movie Photography)
Toxic Crusaders (Animated Series art, Hologram Stickers)
Gruesome Greeting Cards (Parody artwork)
Home Alone 2: Lost in New York (Movie Photography, 55 cents a pack, 88 Card Set)
In Living Color (TV Series Photography)
Trolls Stickers
Batman The Animated Series – Series 1 (10 Cards per pack)
Batman The Animated Series Series 2 (8 cards per pack, Features ‘Mask of the Phantasm’ Images)
Coneheads (Movie Photography, Sold in 5 card packs)
The Flintstones (Movie)
Jim Lee’s WildC.A.T.S. (Comic Art)
Jurassic Park (Movie Photography)
Last Action Hero (Movie)
Nicktoons (Packs included 4 Cards, 1 Activity Card, 8 Tattoos, and 1 Sticker)
Sonic the Hedgehog (Video Game Cards)
Star Wars Galaxy (Series 1)
Street Fighter II (Video Game Artwork Cards and Stickers)
Aliens Predator Universe (All Artwork Set)
Beavis and Butthead (UK/Ireland)
The Flintstones (Movie Photography)
Nancy Kerrigan ‘My Diary’ (Olympic photography, Super gloss foil stamped cards)
Star Wars: A New Hope Widevision (Movie Photography on Wide-Aspect Cards, 120 Card Set)
Cyber Force (Comic Cards, All-Chromium Set)
The Empire Strikes Back Widevision (Movie Photography on Wide-Aspect Cards, 144 Card Set, Summer Release)
Star Wars Galaxy Series Three
Vampirella (Comic Artwork)
Dragonheart Widevision (Movie Photography, 72 Card Set)
Independence Day (Widevision Movie Cards)
Mars Attacks Widevision
Return of the Jedi Widescreen (Movie Photography on Wide-Aspect Cards, 144 Card Set)
Star Wars 3Di Widevision
Star Wars Finest
Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire
X-Files Series 1 (Season One)
X-Files Series 2 (Season Two)
X-Files Series 3 (Season Three)
The Lost World: Jurassic Park (Movie Photography, Five cards and one sticker per 99 cent pack)
The Star Wars Trilogy Special Edition Widevision (Movie Photography on Wide-Aspect Cards, Released February 1997)
Star Wars Vehicles
Xena: Warrior Princess Series 1
Xena: Warrior Princess Series 2
Blair Witch Project (Movie Photography)
Star Wars Chrome Archives
X-Men (Movie Photography)
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (Movie Photography)
Marvel Legends (72 card set)
Planet of the Apes (Tim Burton Movie Photography)
Star Wars: Evolution
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring Update (Series 2, Movie Photography)
Spider-Man (Movie Photography)
Star Wars: Attack of the Clones (Movie)
Star Wars: Attack of the Clones Widevision (Movie Photography on Wide-Aspect Cards)
Garbage Pail Kids: All New Series 1 “Green Gum” (Sticker Cards, 97 cents a pack)
The Incredible Hulk (Marvel Comic Art Cards)
X2: X-Men United (Movie Photography)
Star Wars Heritage
Garbage Pail Kids All New Series 2
Garbage Pail Kids All New Series 3
Batman Begins (Movie Photography)
Garbage Pail Kids All New Series 4
Kong: The 8th Wonder of the World (King Kong Movie Photography, $1.99 packs with 7 cards)
Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith (Movie Photography)
Wacky Packages All-New Series 2 (Parody Sticker Cards)
Garbage Pail Kids All New Series 5
Garbage Pail Kids All New Series 6
Garbage Pail Kids All New Series 7
Heroes Volume 1 (Season One Photography, September release)
Star Wars 30th Anniversary
Transformers (Movie Photography)
Heroes Volume 2 (Season Two Photography)
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (Movie)
Indiana Jones Heritage (Movie)
Indiana Jones Masterpieces (Movie)
Wacky Packages Flashback (Sticker Cards)
Heritage American Heroes Edition
Garbage Pail Kids Flashback Series 1
American Pie (Pop Culture, Celebrities)
Garbage Pail Kids Flashback Series 2
Garbage Pail Kids Flashback Series 3
Star Wars Galaxy Series 6
Garbage Pail Kids Brand New Series 1 (Series 18; First New GPK cards since 2007)
Mars Attacks Heritage
Skylanders Giants
Star Wars Galactic Files
Star Wars Galaxy Series 7
Wacky Packages All New Series 9
Wacky Packages Posters Series 1
Dr. Who Alien Attax (Card Game)
Dr. Who Alien Attax 50th Anniversary (Continuation of the card game)
Garbage Pail Kids Brand New Series 2
Garbage Pail Kids Brand New Series 3
Garbage Pail Kids Chrome Series 1
Garbage Pail Kids Holiday Greeting
Garbage Pail Kids Mini
Garbage Pail Kids Minikins (Mini Figures with Sticker Cards)
Mars Attacks Invasion
Skylanders Swap Force
Star Wars Galactic Files Series 2
Star Wars Illustrated: A New Hope
Star Wars Jedi Legacy
Topps 75th Anniversary
Wacky Packages Stickers: All New Series 10
Wacky Packages Stickers: All New Series 11 (Released in October)
Wacky Packages Binder Collection (Exclusive cards included with binders)
Wacky Packages Halloween Postcards
Disney’s Frozen (Released in Europe)
Garbage Pail Kids Chrome Series 2
Garbage Pail Kids Minikins Series 2 (Sticker cards packed with mini figures)
Garbage Pail Kids Series 1
Garbage Pail Kids Series 2
Garbage Pail Kids Valentine’s Day Cards
Garbage Pail Kids Bukimi Kun
How to Train Your Dragon 2 (Movie)
Marvel Hero Attax Series 3
Star Wars Chrome Perspectives
Star Wars Perspectives (Sold in the UK)
Star Wars Return of the Jedi 3D Widevision (Online exclusive, sold as a set)
Skylanders Trap Team
Wacky Packages Chrome
Wacky Packages Old School 5
Wacky Packages Series 1
Dr. Who
Garbage Pail Kids 30th Anniversary
Garbage Pail Kids Series 1
Mars Attacks: Occupation (Kickstarter release)
Avengers Hero Attax
Minions (European release)
Star Wars Empire Strikes Back Illustrated Promo Set (Star Wars Celebration Exclusive Set)
Star Wars Illustrated: The Empire Strikes Back
Star Wars Chrome Perspectives: Jedi vs Sith
Star Wars High Tek
Star Wars Masterwork
Star Wars Rebels
Star Wars: Journey to The Force Awakens
Star Wars: The Force Awakens Series 1
The Warriors (Movie Photography, Online Exclusive, 16 Oversize Card Set)
Topps Wacky Packages
Doctor Who: Extraterrestrial Encounters
Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor Adventures Widevision
Doctor Who Timeless
Garbage Pail Kids 4th of July (Online Exclusive)
Garbage Pail Kids American as Apple Pie in Your Face
Garbage Pail Kids Best of the Fest (Rock Music-themed Set)
Garbage Pail Kids Christmas Cards (Online Exclusive)
Garbage Pail Kids Disg-Race to the White House
Garbage Pail Kids Halloween (Online Exclusive)
Garbage Pail Kids Not-Scars Oscars (Online Exclusive)
Garbage Pail Kids Prime Slime TV Preview (Online Exclusive)
Garbage Pail Kids Prime Slime Awards (Online Exclusive)
Garbage Pail Kids: Prime Slime Trashy TV (Online Exclusive)
Garbage Pail Kids Presidential Candidates (Online Exclusive)
Garbage Pail Kids Riot Fest (Riot Fest Chicago Exclusive)
Garbage Pail Kids Rock & Roll Hall of Lame
Garbage Pail Kids Shammys (Grammys Parody)
Garbage Pail Kids Thanksgiving (Online Exclusive)
MLB Wacky Packages
Rocky 40th Anniversary (Movie Photography, Sold as a Set Only from Topps Website)
Santa Claus
Star Wars Attack of the Clones 3D Widevision
Star Wars Card Trader (Physical versions of digital cards)
Star Wars Evolutions
Star Wars High Tek
Star Wars Masterwork
Star Wars Rogue One Mission Briefing
Star Wars Rogue One Mission Briefing (New York Comic Con Exclusive Expansion Set)
Star Wars Rogue One Series 1
Star Wars The Force Awakens Chrome
Star Wars The Force Awakens Complete Set (Online Exclusive)
Star Wars: The Force Awakens Series 2
Topps Now Preacher
Topps Now Presidential Election
The Walking Dead: Season 5
The Walking Dead In Memoriam (On-Demand Card Set Available Through Topps Website)
The Walking Dead Survival Box
Warcraft (Movie Photography)
Bojack Horseman Horsin’ Around (Topps On Demand)
Doctor Who Signature Series (Featured an autograph in every pack)
Doctor Who (Topps Now)
Fear The Walking Dead Widevision Season 1 and 2
Garbage Pail Kids: Adam-Geddon (Series 1)
Garbage Pail Kids: Battle of the Bands (Season 2)
Garbage Pail Kids Best of the Fest
Garbage Pail Kids Classic (Topps On Demand)
Garbage Pail Kids Comics Cards (Exclusive Sticker Cards Included With GPK Comic Books)
Garbage Pail Kids Empty-V Awards
Garbage Pail Kids Fall Comic Convention
Garbage Pail Kids Golden Groans Awards
Garbage Pail Kids Halloween (Online Exclusive)
Garbage Pail Kids Network Spews
Garbage Pail Kids Not-Scars
Garbage Pail Kids Presidential Inaug-Hurl Ceremony
Garbage Pail Kids Prime Slime Awards
Garbage Pail Kids Riot Fest (Riot Fest Chicago Exclusive)
Garbage Pail Kids Rock & Roll Hall of Lame
Garbage Pail Kids Shammys (Grammys Parody)
Garbage Pail Kids Trumpocracy
Garbage Pail Kids Wacky Packages Holiday
Garbage Pail Kids Wacky Packages Thanksgiving (Online Exclusive)
Garbage Pail Kids Wacky Packages Jay Lynch Tribute (Fundraiser for artist Jay Lynch)
Mars Attacks The Revenge
Preacher Season 2 (Topps Now)
Star Wars 1978 Sugar Free Wrappers (Online Exclusive)
Star Wars 40th Anniversary
Star Wars: Countdown to Star Wars The Last Jedi
Star Wars: Galactic Files Reborn
Star Wars High Tek
Star Wars: Journey to The Last Jedi
Star Wars: The Last Jedi
Star Wars Masterwork
Star Wars: May the 4th (Topps On Demand)
Star Wars: Rebels Season 4 Preview (Topps On Demand)
Star Wars Rogue One Chrome
Star Wars Rogue One Series Two
Star Wars Stellar Signatures
Star Wars The Force Awakens 3D Widevision
Stranger Things (Loot Crate Exclusive Wax Packs)
Wacky Packages 50th Anniversary
Wacky Packages 2017 Fall TV Preview
Wacky Packages Old School 6
The Walking Dead 100th Episode / Season 8 Premiere (Topps On Demand)
The Walking Dead: Evolution
The Walking Dead Season 6
Walking Dead Season 7
Warcraft (Movie Photography, Online Exclusive)
Dr. Who Signature Series (Online Exclusive)
Garbage Pail Kids Golden Groan Awards
Garbage Pail Kids Memes (Topps On Demand, 20 Card Set)
Garbage Pail Kids: We Hate the 80s
Garbage Pail Kids: Oh The Horror-ible!
Garbage Pail Kids Rock & Roll Hall of Lame
Garbage Pail Kids The Shammy Awards
Garbage Pail Kids Wacky Packages Easter
Garbage Pail Kids Wacky Packages Not-Scars
Garbage Pail Kids Wacky Packages Valentine’s Day
Hatchimals (100 Card Set)
Royal Wedding (Topps On Demand, 20 Card Set)
Solo: A Star Wars Story
Solo: A Star Wars Story (Denny’s Exclusive Set)
Star Wars Archive Signatures
Star Wars The Clone Wars 10th Anniversary (Topps On Demand, 25 Base Card Set)
Star Wars Countdown to Solo: A Star Wars Story (Online Exclusive, Print On-Demand)
Star Wars Finest
Star Wars Galactic Files
Star Wars Galactic Moments Countdown to Episode IX
Star Wars Galaxy
Star Wars The Last Jedi Series Two
Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Topps On Demand, 20 Card Set)
Star Wars Masterwork
Star Wars A New Hope Black and White
Star Wars: Rebels Series Finale (Topps Now, 20 Card Base Set)
Star Wars Stellar Signatures
Stranger Things Season One
The Sandlot 25th Anniversary Blu-Ray (10 Card Set included with blu-ray)
Topps 80th Anniversary Wrapper Art (115 Card Set)
The Walking Dead Autograph Collection
The Walking Dead: Hunters and the Hunted
The Walking Dead: Season 8 Part One
The Walking Dead: Road to Alexandria
Wacky Packages Go to the Movies
Wacky Packages Mars Attacks
Wacky Packages Old School 7 (Topps On Demand, 30-card set)
Art of TMNT
Garbage Pail Kids 2019 Was The Worst
Garbage Pail Kids Not-Scars (Online Exclusive)
Garbage Pail Kids: Revenge of Oh, The Horror-ible!
Garbage Pail Kids X Universal Monsters (Super 7 – San Diego Comic Con Exclusive)
Garbage Pail Kids We Hate the ’90s
Garbage Pail Kids WWE
Posty Fest (Post Malone-themed set)
Star Wars Authentics Autographs Series One (Cards packed with an autographed photo in a blind pack)
Star Wars Authentics Autographs Series Two (Cards packed with an autographed photo in a blind pack)
Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back Black and White
Star Wars Chrome Legacy
Star Wars Journey to The Rise of Skywalker
Star Wars Living Set (Online Exclusive, Ongoing Set)
Star Wars Masterwork
Star Wars The Mandalorian Trailer
Star Wars The Mandalorian Season One (Topps Now)
Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker
Star Wars Rise of Skywalker Trailer (20 Card Set, Online Exclusive)
Star Wars Resistance
Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga
Star Wars Stellar Signatures
Stranger Things 1985
Stranger Things Season Two
Stranger Things: Welcome to the Upside Down
2020 Election (Topps Now, Online Exclusive, 21 Card Set)
Garbage Pail Kids 2020 Was the Worst (10 Sticker Card Set)
Garbage Pail Kids: 35 Years of Untold Stories (Topps On Demand, Online Exclusive, 90 Sticker Set, 12 inserts)
Garbage Pail Kids Series 1 (Late to School)
Garbage Pail Kids Series 2 (35th Anniversary)
Garbage Pail Kids Beyond the Streets (Online Exclusive)
Garbage Pail Kids Bizarre Holidays (Online Exclusive, 10 Sticker Card Set)
Garbage Pail Kids Chrome Series 3
Garbage Pail Kids Crash Gordon (Online Exclusive, Flash Gordon parody)
Garbage Pail Kids Disgrace to the White House
Garbage Pail Kids x eBay Crossover (Online Exclusive, 10 Sticker Card Set)
Garbage Pail Kids Gone Exotic
Garbage Pail Kids Gross Greetings
Garbage Pail Kids Halloween Stories
Garbage Pail Kids Kitchen (Online Exclusive)
Garbage Pail Kids The Not-Scars (Online Exclusive)
Garbage Pail Kids Rock N Roll Hall Of Lame (2020 Edition, Online Exclusive)
Garbage Pail Kids Sapphire (Online Exclusive)
Garbage Pail Kids The Shammy Awards (2020 Edition, Online Exclusive)
Garbage Pail Kids Skateboard (Online Exclusive, 10 Card Set)
Garbage Pail Kids Trashy Treasures (Online Exclusive, Exclusive Sticker Cards Packed with GPK Figures)
Garbage Pail Kids MisAdventures: Late to School (Video Series, Different from the Series One “Late to School Set,” 5 Card Online Exclusive Set)
Garbage Pail Kids MisAdventures: Valenslime’s Day (Video Series, 5 Card Online Exclusive Set)
Garbage Pail Kids MisAdventures: GPK Rocks (Video Series, 5 Card Online Exclusive Set)
Garbage Pail Kids Mr. and Mrs. (Topps On Demand, Online Exclusive, 20 Sticker Card Base Set, 6 parallels, 1 poster)
Garbage Pail Krashers (Topps On Demand, 20 Sticker Card Online Exclusive Set)
Mars Attacks Wacky Packages Series 3: Attacky Packages (Topps On Demand, 15 Card Online Exclusive Set)
Mars Attacks Wacky Packages Series 4 (Topps On Demand, 20 Card Online Exclusive Set)
Seattle Children’s Heroes (25 Card Set featuring athletes and celebrities, sold at Bartell Drugs locations to raise money for Seattle Children’s Hospital)
Star Wars 3D (Topps On Demand, Online Exclusive, ‘Empire Strikes Back’ Design, 100 Card Set)
Star Wars Authentics (Exclusive Trading Card packed with an autographed photo, sold in 11X14 and 8X10 sets)
Star Wars Chrome Perspectives: Resistance vs. First Order
Star Wars Holocron
Star Wars I Am Your Father’s Day (Online Exclusive)
Star Wars: The Mandalorian
Star Wars: The Mandalorian Season 2 (Topps Now, Online Exclusive)
Star Wars: The Mandalorian Art (eBay Exclusive)
Star Wars: The Mandalorian Autograph Set (3 Card Set, All Autographed)
Star Wars: The Mandalorian: Journey of the Child
Star Wars Masterwork
Star Wars Return of the Jedi Black and White
Star Wars The Rise of Skywalker Series Two
Star Wars Stellar Signatures
Star Wars: Women of Star Wars
Stranger Things Autograph Collection (27 Card Set, All Autographed)
Ugly Stickers (Topps On Demand, Online Exclusive, 20 Sticker Cards, 10 Poster Cards)
Wacky Packages All-New Weekly Series (Online Exclusive, 5 Sticker Card Sets Released Every Week From May Through December)
Wacky Packages Halloween Postcards
Wacky Packages Old School Series 9 (Topps On Demand, Online Exclusive, 31 Sticker Card Set, 20 Inserts)
Wacky Packages Postcards: April Fools (Topps On Demand, Online Exclusive, Six Postcard Set)
Garbage Pail Kids Bizarre Holidays (Online Exclusive, Cards Released Each Week)
Garbage Pail Kids Chrome Series 4 (Chrome versions of original 1986 series 4 cards, 4 cards per pack)
Garbage Pail Kids Chrome Sapphire
Garbage Pail Kids Collectors Club
Garbage Pail Kids Food Fight Series 1
Garbage Pail Kids Funny Valentines (Topps On Demand)
Garbage Pail Kids Gamestonk
Garbage Pail Kids Go On Vacation
Garbage Pail Kids Zoom Mishaps (Online Exclusive)
Mars Attacks Invasion 2026 (Online Exclusive, Print to Order)
Star Wars Battle Plans
Star Wars The Mandalorian Season 2
Star Wars Signature Series (Slabbed autographed cards, packed one to a box)
Star Wars: Visions (Topps Now)
Wacky Packages Exclusive (Released in monthly sets, Online Exclusive)
Elvis Presley: The King of Rock and Roll (Online Exclusive, Issued Weekly)
Garbage Pail Kids Book Worms Series 1
Star Wars Finest (Chrome cards)
Star Wars: The Mandalorian Beskar Edition Chrome
Star Wars Throwback Thursdays (Vintage-Styled Online Exclusive)
New sets will be added as they become available.