Diamond Select is Making Star Wars Figures, New Photos Reveal
New photos that began circulating online this weekend appear to show a previously unannounced Boba Fett Star Wars figure from Diamond Select!
The photos show a Boba Fett figure, in six to seven inch scale, in Diamond Select Packaging. The figure was reportedly found at Disney World, and the packaging states that the figure is a Disney Parks exclusive. Strangely, neither Lucasfilm, Disney, nor Diamond Select had announced this line.

The Week In Nerd could find no official online verification for the figure, nor could we confirm where the photos originated from.
However, From 4Lom to Zuckuss (one of the best and most trusted Star Wars collectible sites on the net), posted the pictures and named Facebook user Carson VanZandt as the source.
It is not clear how much the figures cost, what other characters may be in the line, or if they will be available outside of the Disney Parks.
Diamond Select is known for their high-quality, highly-detailed action figures, so it will be interesting to see how this new line will compare to Hasbro’s Black Series figures.
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