New Rocky Funko Pops Announced – Here’s How to Get Them
To celebrate the 45th anniversary of the premiere of the original film, a new line of Rocky Funko Pops has been announced.
The iconic film, starring Sylvester Stallone and Carl Weathers, was released in 1976 and would go on to win the Academy Award for Best Picture. A line of Rocky Funko Pops were released in 2013, but this new release will feature all-new design sculpts.
Among the upcoming Pops are Rocky Balboa and Apollo Creed, as well as two exclusives. A “Training” Rocky with chicken will be a Funko Shop exclusive, and Rocky with championship belt (as seen in Rocky III) will be a “Specialty Series” exclusive, which will be available only in smaller retailers like comic book shops and some online stores.
The Pops are due to release early next year, and links to purchase them can be found below.
Rocky Balboa #1177

Click here to order the Rocky 45th Anniversary Funko Pop from Entertainment Earth!
Click here (or below) to get the Rocky 45th Anniversary Funko Pop from Amazon!
Apollo Creed #1178

Click here to order the Apollo Creed Funko Pop from Entertainment Earth!
Click here (or below) to order the Apollo Creed Funko Pop from Amazon!
Rocky Balboa (Championship Belt) #1180
Specialty Series – Small Retailer Exclusive

Click here (or below) to order the Rocky Balboa (Championship Belt) from Amazon!
Rocky Balboa (Sweat suit)
Funko Shop exclusive

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